I don’t have 100 things what I want to do before I die, but I do have a few things I want to do that will mean the world to me. It will contribute to make my life feel meaningful and worth living.
And then I have a few fun things as well…
- Take over the world!!! (hehe)
- Work with animals
- Establish my own business to work with, save and protect all animals
- Travel the world
- Shopping in
Paris - Spend at least R50 000 in one day on clothes, shoes, handbags, jewelry, underwear, make-up, massages, pedi and mani, hairdo, hats, swimwear and fancy smancy things. You get the picture.
- Shark cage diving
- Run a marathon
- Cycle a marathon
- Ride a camel
- Ride a elephant
- Own a lama
- Roller Blade in a mall
- Kiss a random person out of the blue in a random place
- Fly a helicopter (Be the pilot)
- Drink a Flaming Lamborghini
- Pick crops with the natives
- Party non-stop for 2 weeks ( I mean like from sunrise until sunrise)
- Go to a spa in
with a Pina Colada in the one hand and a Strawberry Daiquiri in the otherHawaii - Eat a whole jar of Nutella in one go
- Stalk your favourite rugby player until he takes you on a date
- Steal something in a Casino
- “Try” to win the lottery
- Buy yourself a new car –
CASH - Own various kind on animals (dogs, cats, chicken, rabbits, turtles, birds, fish, a lama, bucks, and a chameleon living in your back garden
- Swim naked in the ocean (preferably at night)
- Prank call a famous person
- Don’t be fat when you die – so stay thin
- Do a photography course
- Do a animal behaviour course
- Do a wine course
- Cut your hair boyish short – at least once
- Go visit a mosque
- Go to a gay club
- Go to a strip club – at least once in your life you have to
- Swim with a dolphin
- Grow a herb garden
- Audition for Idols – nooooooot!!!
- Try to include a friend (best friend) in most of these if possible
- Live your dreams
This is all of the things I have on my list for now. This is for real, and I am definitely going to do all of these things. Maybe with time my list will get even longer.
This post actually made me realize all the things I still want to do, I didn’t realize there were so many. Like roller blading in a mall…that is something I have though about many times. I can’t wait to do that, and then they throw me out of the mall and ban me for life. Yeah!!
do it! Rollerblade in a mall!! :P lol you are so crazy, i love it!