Sunday 5 June 2011

Every day is a good day.

Sometimes I struggle, sometimes I give up or I get bored, sometimes I get angry, confused, irritated or unhappy. Sometimes I forget, and sometimes I feel unappreciated or taken for granted, sometimes I get lazy or bitchy, and sometimes I get rude.


Most of the time I get through it, most of the time I carry on and most of the time I enjoy myself, most of the time I’m excited, open minded, chilled and happy. Most of the time I remember, and most of the time I feel appreciated, most of the time I keep myself busy and most of the time I am a nice, loving, supportive, helping, understanding and grateful person.

I am most of the time a normal human being…

and every second I am ALIVE, everyday.

Therefore…every day is a good day!!!!

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